Creating a Student Quiz in Google Forms

One of the massive benefits of Google applications is the way in which the features are designed to be used fluidly.

Google Forms os an excellent way in which to create tests and quizzes for your students. There are a wide range of question types 

The most common that you are likely to use are paragraph (for written answers), multiple choice and drop down. These are useful for building confidence. The first allows for some test of application, the latter two allow for recall and testing of method.

Google Forms provides an automatic collection and analysis of data - excellent for getting a whole class picture alongside individual performance.

The questions allow for feedback to be provided - this overcomes some of the issues involved in repeatedly addressing the same errors and misconceptions.

In the video tutorial I take you through the setting up of a quiz and process for creating the 3 major question types. 

Do use the comment section in the post to highlight further areas you feel the need to use.


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