
Showing posts from March, 2020

Creating a Student Quiz in Google Forms

One of the massive benefits of Google applications is the way in which the features are designed to be used fluidly. Google Forms os an excellent way in which to create tests and quizzes for your students. There are a wide range of question types  The most common that you are likely to use are paragraph (for written answers), multiple choice and drop down. These are useful for building confidence. The first allows for some test of application, the latter two allow for recall and testing of method. Google Forms provides an automatic collection and analysis of data - excellent for getting a whole class picture alongside individual performance. The questions allow for feedback to be provided - this overcomes some of the issues involved in repeatedly addressing the same errors and misconceptions. In the video tutorial I take you through the setting up of a quiz and process for creating the 3 major question types.  Do use the comment section in the post to highlight further

Creating an Assignment in Google Drive

Google Classroom has rapidly become the 'go to' platform for many teachers.  One of the greatest features is the ability to create assignments that can be viewed in real time as students develop their evidence. Great for working remotely as you are able to see progress being made, level of engagement and areas where intervention might be needed. There are features such as the ability to add comments, if you use Google Documents, and provide advice that is emailed to the student. Top Tips: Plan your assignment resources - you can only issue a file to every student when you create the assignment. If you want to add further files for student completion after the initial assignment creation you cannot issue a file per student. Wherever possible, create the files using Google documents such as Sheets, Docs, Slides or Forms. These have almost identical features to the Microsoft equivalents but there are some differences. If all else fails convert your file to its Google equ

Top Tip Screen Recording on a Windows 10 Computer

Hi Most newish Windows machines have a little known tool to help record your screen activity to video. Hit the Windows and G keys at the same time (Windows key is bottom row on the left) This will open a dialogue that looks something like this: Check the settings for your microphone and make a note of where the video is saved. The video created might be quite large. I use a program called handbrake to shrink the size of my videos.

Turning PowerPoint into a Video

A useful technique is to turn your PowerPoint into a video. This allows you to narrate over the top of your slides, providing opportunity to explain techniques and processes. To help you on your way, use the ' Recording a PowerPoint Presentation' PDF. I've included a sample recording to illustrate what this might look and sound like in practice.

Converting PowerPoint to Google Slides

Hello All One of the questions that have been asked is "How do I use PowerPoint in my Google Classroom?" There are features in your PPTX file that may not be compatible with Google Classroom. In this instance it would be better to use Google Slides. Luckily, there is a straightforward method of converting PPTX to Google Slides. Take a look at the short video - under 5 minutes. Hit the full scree n icon (bottom left) to expand the video.